This heartwarming Mid Autumn tale is about a mother rabbit’s preparation for her children’s return home for a reunion. A wolf follows mother rabbit along her journey but all ends well (I promise!) and she teaches us about the most important aspect of Mid Autumn – love and reunions.
What better way to introduce the festival to the little ones than with the adorable animals in this story? The Jade rabbit legend has made rabbits the key animal during this festival. Let your little one have a go at the join the dots to form a rabbit and full moon activity. After that, make a rabbit lantern and some mooncake crafts together. Lastly, hone their fine motor skills with the colourful 中秋节 dot marker/ dot sticker activity sheets to introduce them the 3 chinese characters they will be seeing pretty often this Mid Autumn!
This book kit includes:
- Hard cover Chinese book 《中秋节快乐》
- Hanyu Pinyin pronunciation guide for storybook
- 中秋节 cardstock dot activity sheets with dot stickers
- 满月 and 玉兔 laminated join the dot and writing practice sheet
- DIY Mooncake paper craft with instructions
- DIY traditional rabbit paper lantern craft with instructions
- Parent guide.
IMPORTANT: This product contains small parts. Parental supervision is strongly encouraged at ALL times.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more ways to play with these!
NOTE: PREORDER ready 5-7 Sep , courier will pick up the day after item is ready and deliver to recipient within the following 3 working days. E.g item ready 1 Aug (Mon) will be picked up by courier 2 Aug (Tue), delivered to recipient within 3 working days (3-5 Aug Wed- Fri)
Please note that we cannot be held responsible for lost normal mail or Smartpac. Courier is highly recommended.