A whimsical tale of teamwork and tribute to the little ones . The animals all yearn for a taste of the moon, and together, they try to reach for the moon to grab a bite. In the end, it is the little mouse that managed to grab a piece of the moon. The mouse shares it with all the other animals.
《月亮的味道》:月亮,是什么味道呢?真想尝一小口啊!夜里,动物们望着月亮,总是这么想。可是呢,不管怎么伸长了脖子,伸长了手,伸长了腿,也够不着月亮。有一天,一只小海龟决心去摸一摸月亮。可他够不着。海龟叫来了大象,大象叫来了长颈鹿,然后长颈鹿叫来了斑马,斑马叫来了狮子,狮子叫来了狐狸,狐狸叫来了猴子,猴子叫来了老鼠。月亮每次都伸高一点儿,让他们够不着。不过,这次月亮看着老鼠心想:“这么个小不点儿,肯定捉不到我的。”这回它没有动。想不到,“咔嚓!” 老鼠咬下一片月亮。它给动物们都分了一口月亮,大家都觉得,月亮和它们自己喜欢吃的东西是一样的味道。
Text has NO Hanyu Pinyin.
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